Observing and coding influence behaviour

Observing, coding, and classifying Influence Behaviour aids self-awareness, learning, and development. This review will help you see yourself as others see you. You will discover how much you actually use each Influence Style and its component Behaviours in various situations.

Use a Tally Sheet to code Influence Behaviour. We will use the Tally Sheet that follows for a demonstration of coding Influence Behaviour.

In coding Influence Behaviour, work from the general to the specific. Ask yourself the following questions, in sequence:

1. How is the person using Energy (words, tone, body movement)?

  • To Push or “move against” another person?
  • To Pull or “move with” another person?
  • To Move Away or withdraw from the situation?

2. Which Influence Style is the person using?

  • If Pushing, is the person Persuading or Asserting?
  • If Pulling, is the person Bridging or Attracting?
  • If Moving Away, is the person Disengaging or Avoiding?

3. Which Behaviour is the person using?

  • Follow the Tally Sheet from left to right to help you identify the specific Behavior(s) the person is using.
  • Make a fresh tic mark on the Tally Sheet for each contribution you observe.