2-5 people – Facilitator input needed

45 – 60 minutes


  • Preparation: 10 minutes
  • Exercise: 15 minutes
  • Review: 30 minutes



This exercise must be conducted by a group that has just completed, or is about to undertake, another exercise. The group must remain intact for both exercises.

In Sudden Death Bonus Negotiation, group members will contribute to a bonus pool, then negotiate the distribution of the bonus monies to group members based on (1) their individual actual contribution in the just-completed other exercise, or (2) their individual potential contribution they expect to make in the other exercise about to be performed.


Preparation (10 mins)

Each group member contributes three pounds (cash) to a “Bonus Pool.” When preparation time is over, the group will meet to distribute the money in the “Bonus Pool” between (or among) the group members, according to their individual contributions to a just-completed or future exercise.

Ground Rules:

  • The “Bonus Pool” must be divided unequally among the group members, so that no two group members receive the same bonus.
  • Group members must keep the bonuses they receive.
  • If there are only two people in the group, the higher paid group member must receive at least 25 percent more than the lower paid group member.
  • If there are three or more people in the group, the highest paid group member must receive at least twice as much as the lowest paid group member.
  • If you do not complete the task within the time allotted, you must give the entire “Bonus Pool” to the person who served as your timekeeper for this exercise. That person must keep the money.

Now, take up to 10 minutes to prepare for the meeting. Consider the task involved in the other exercise. If your group has already completed the other activity, what was your contribution? If the second exercise has not yet been completed, what do you believe your contribution will be? What part of the “Bonus Pool” is it worth? Write down your Influence Objective, the Influence Style you wish to practise, and your Core Style Statement.

  • Influence Objective(s)
  • Influence Style or Behaviour you intend to practise
  • Core Style Statement


Exercise (15 minutes = 2 people; add 5 minutes for each additional person.)

The time limit will be enforced.

Now, start recording and conduct your meeting. Make sure to follow the ground rules for this exercise.

When you have reached an agreement, or when the time limit expires, stop recording.

Review (30 minutes)

Now, review your exercise recording. Before analysing the video, share with other group members your Influence Objective and your practice Style. 

As you review the tape, give and receive constructive feedback. Tell other group members how effective they were in accomplishing influence objectives and practicing desired influence skills. Gather data about your own performance. Look for missed opportunities to use the Influence Styles and Behaviours you wished to practise.

At the end of the session take time to record useful feedback and learning in your Journal.